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All current members at North Bay Community Church are invited to join us for a congregational meeting. The meeting is scheduled for Sunday, January 29th, shortly after the church service.

This is not our annual church meeting that we have in May, but instead is a one-off meeting we need to have in order to make some strategic and exciting steps as a church!

The main purpose for our meeting will be to approve an increase in our spending that would allow us to be debt free as a church by June 1st! We have witnessed God’s immense generosity to us as a church through the faithful giving of His people. By God’s grace, our giving has consistently outpaced our budgeted expenses, and now we are in a position to pay off our debt by the summer, but we need congregational approval to move forward with that decision.

We will also “formalize” Brittneys’s new role are a part-time communication assistant at the church. Brittney has been doing a great job in her new role, but our church constitution requires that all paid staff be approved by a congregational vote.

We hope that if you are a current member at North Bay you are able to attend!

If you have any question please reach out to Pastor Darin ([email protected]).


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